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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Presidential Politics 11/11/08

(Delayed Post - part of a series of posts describing the occupancy of our winter place in Cairo, Egypt)

When we traveled to the Mena House golf course in Cairo, we shared a taxi with another passenger. After dropping the other passenger off at her home, our driver struck up a conversation in English.

Of course, the driver was amazed to find an American who had not voted for Obama. Obama would have polled in the high ninety percent range, if not one hundred percent among all Egyptians, judging from conversations that I've had on this trip. As usual, when I said, “So, now that we have a new president, when will you have a new president?” the conversation becomes more interesting.

Our driver, like most Egyptians, has only known one president. Many Egyptians refer to him as "president for life." Others as Pharaoh.

UPDATE 1/19/2009

Last night we stopped by a bakery and the man behind the counter said to Linda: "German?"

"No, American." she replied.

"Obama!" was his smiling response.

Most Egyptians are well aware of out new president's name.

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