This moth spent the better part of one evening trying to come inside and reach the ceiling light. I had no idea they were so cute until I looked at the picture the next day.
This might be the same fellow resting on a plant during the daylight hours.
Whatever did we do before we had the Internet and Google? I saw this spider crawling on a part of our hummingbird feeder. Linda Googled "white spider with red markings" on her iPad and soon came up with Goldenrod Crab Spider as the likely suspect. (They can be yellow or white depending on their habitat.)
There are always lot of dragonflies around the lake in June. These three seemed to think that the arm of the Adirondak chair was sort of an aircraft carrier for insects.
You don't have to go far to find the interesting critters. Just looking down in the grass will locate some cute bugs.
Most people are more kindly disposed toward butterflies than other bugs, so here are a couple of pictures of the friendly ones that stopped by to spend a few moments on Linda's arm.