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Thursday, January 29, 2009

We Lowered the Kitchen Cabinets

We only had a few constuction issues on the apartment project. This is because we had a good friend on site managing the construction. The biggest issue was the height of the upper kitchen cabinets. Here Linda is standing by the cabinets. She can't reach the top shelves in them. The overhang with the crown molding also protrudes too far over the cabinetry for our taste.
Our friend assured us that they could be easily lowered. Unfortunately, he was unable to get the original carpenter on site to do the job. After about ten days of effort, he decided to go with a different carpenter.

One evening, the carpenter showed up with a young assistant and set to work on the job. The work demonstrates some of the differences between the U.S. and Egyptian crafts. Our carpenter didn't bring a step ladder. We gave him a chair to work from. He brought along a cloth bag of tools. These included a screwdriver, a hammer, a square and a handsaw. He did have an electric drill.

The job was accomplished with all screws turned by hand and all sawing completed with the handsaw.

When the job was complete, everything was as Linda wished. The job took about two hours for the carpenter and assistant and we were charged 150 Egyptian pounds. That is about $27.

Here is the new look:

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