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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Memories of Pagac's Pines Resort. Gordon Wisconsin.

It happens every couple of years or so.  A small boat pulls up at our dock on the Gordon/St. Croix Flowage near Gordon, Wisconsin.  Someone in their 50's or 60's climbs out wondering if they have found the right place.  A couple of years ago it was Lou from Amery.  This year it was Russ from the Milwaukee area.  Russ had brought his two sons to the Flowage to show them where he had spent a part of each summer, "back in the day."

Beginning in the mid-1950's , our lake home was the home and office for Paul and Rose Pagac's White Pines Resort.  The Pagacs had only five cabins for rent but built a very loyal clientele, mostly among Chicago residents.  I posted an entry back in 2008 that described a little of the history of the place.

Each time someone stops in who stayed here in the past, we pick up a little more history.  Russ and his sons brought a few pictures.

This one shows the office, now our cabin, from the first rental unit.
PPinesFlickr-3 PPinesFlickr-4

Here is that first rental unit as it appeared from the main swimming dock.  The Pagac cabins were widely spaced and offered the "up north" atmosphere that many people were seeking in the 1950s.  A 14-foot aluminum boat and a ten-horse Evinrude were all that a family needed for a week on the lake.

Here, Russ and his mother pose alongside one of the cabins in 1960.

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