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Thursday, April 4, 2019

One Last Pyramid Post - Dashour

Linda wanted to make another stop at Egypt Equine Aid with cookies for the staff.  There was a new face at the horse rescue farm, Phillipe, from Chile. He was a very interesting person to chat with and had interesting stories about his introduction to Egyptian society. After we dropped  Linda at the farm, Roshdy and I headed for Dashour for more pyramid photos.I just can't get enough of them.

The pyramids that we commonly visit, lie along a fifteen mile stretch of the desert's edge parallel to the Nile.  Google maps says you can walk from the Sphinx at Giza all the way down to Dashour in five hours.  For a younger couple, this would indeed be an interesting day's outing.  We traveled about half of that trip by camel, with a walking guide, in about three hours back in 2015, described here.

Roshdy had in mind a drive from EEA down to a spot just beyond Dashour where we would be able to see the Red, White and Black Pyramids.   It's easy to tell when you approach Saqqara and Dashour as the plantations of date palms begin to appear.  They are a fall crop so all we see now in the trees are the green leaves - no dates.

We have a good collection of pictures of the "Red" and "White" pyramids from previous years.
DashourRed-1 DashourWhite-1

But the "Black" pyramid has remained elusive since it is about a mile away from the access road to its companions.
DashourBlack-2 DashourBlack-1

From the road we took going just a bit south of the official tourist entrance, it was easy to see all three of these pyramids - because of the difference in their sizes, they look almost equidistant from this vantage point.

The "White" or "Bent" pyramid takes on a very different appearance from here, framed by the palms.
And I finally did get my picture of the "Black" pyramid.



Aliza said...

That white pyramid is really a special shape.

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