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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Winter in Egypt 2024 - At the Vegetable Market

One of our favorite things about our annual winter in Cairo is access to abundant fresh fruits and vegetables - and at economical prices for us, at least. Egyptians tell a different story about prices.

We headed down the block about a quarter mile to our favorite veggie shop shortly after arriving.  This store has everything you could ask for.  Out front, the big selling fruits are displayed at street level. 



The vegetables are in the back of the shop.


Bananas and mandarin oranges sell for  seventeen cents a pound.  Strawberries, my favorite, are a bit higher at twenty-three cents per pound.  Linda was delighted to discover fresh figs are available. She doesn't care about the price of figs. Whatever the price, she's buying.


On the way back home, we passed a lady selling freshly cut herbs.  We picked up two bunches of cilantro for five cents. We only need one bunch but they always talk us into buying two. We'd gladly pay for two and take only one but again, they insist we take both.


We picked up zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, green peppers, a head of lettuce, some oranges and an onion - about nine pounds of food for $2.55 - actually it was $3.55 because I slipped in a package of packaged dates, too, when Linda wasn't looking, which added a dollar to the bill.

Here Linda chops up some of that cilantro to add in to our dinner salad.


Here are a few more pictures from other nearby markets. There are many from which to choose.




Buying from a truck or donkey cart can reduce the cost per pound on bananas and oranges from seventeen cents per pound to fifteen cents.




1 comment:

Aliza said...

Love these photos. Such good fruit and veg in Egypt -- we always feel well fed there. Love the oranges and figs particularly. I felt so disappointed in the strawberries -- big and gorgeous, but they tasted of nothing to me. At least, that was true of the ones I bought one time in Cairo.