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Monday, January 10, 2011

Can I Use My Amazon Kindle in Egypt?

Yes! And that was a sure thing and was the reason that we bought one. (Bonus: it even works in northwest Wisconsin - you can hardly find a cellphone that will do that!)

Just buy the 3G model. Turn it on in Egypt and you can visit the Amazon Store and download new books with no problem. Amazon describes it here with this phrase: 3G Works Globally

Here Linda is holding her Kindle in the sunlight out on the back balcony.

While the advertising notes that the Kindle works Globally, and it does, there is some fine print that you might miss. While you can access the Amazon store and download books for free, just as in the U.S., there is a charge for periodicals. Your subscriptions to magazines and newspapers will require an additional $5 weekly charge. Still, this seems like a pretty good deal. We now have a Kindle subscription to the Wall Street Journal and to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. At around 1 o'clock, local time here, they appear at the top of the content screen and push the previous day's papers off into the "Periodicals - Back Issues" entry at the end of the contents.

The Kindle 3G screen is very readable, even in bright sunlight. This gives it a real advantage over the iPad in spite of its very "klunky" user interface. Linda keeps it in "large print" mode when she reads.

I should add that bringing one small Kindle versus a suitcase of books is another big advantage. We'll probably make fewer trips over to the bookstore at AUC now.


Unknown said...

well I'm just back from Egypt and I could not buy any books or periodicals on my Kindle while I was there. My paid for subscriptions to UK newspapers arrived without problem, but I could not buy any new titles at allm

T J Sawyer said...

Very interesting, Peter. We did buy two books while we were there but probably did not shop for them from the Kindle. I probably bought them over my Internet connection at Amazon.com and specified delivery to the Kindle.

Of course things may have changed since January 25.

Rain_Drops said...

Sorry Guys, just wonder how can I get a kindle in Egypt?

T J Sawyer said...

Well, my friends usually find someone who is coming to Egypt and have them add electronic items to their carry-on items.

This post on YahooAnswers describes a service called Aramex.


Fed Ex would probably work but they charge ridiculous rates - $50 for a letter size packet which would probably do the job.

Rain_Drops said...

Shokrann 7abeebi, that was useful :)