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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Another Sunset on Pensacola Beach

We were back at the condo around 5:00 p.m. today and were looking at the loons out on the Gulf diving for food.  Well, maybe they weren't loons, they might have been a variety of duck - it is hard to tell from the distance.  But either way, they were likely Minnesota snow birds wintering here just like us.
SunsetPensacola-1 SunsetPensacola-2

We noticed that the sunset was shaping up to be very nice.  I hadn't taken any sunset pictures to post on the blog for about a week so Linda talked me into going down onto the beach where I could get a good view.  Looking west toward the Pensacola Pier did give a very nice view.

I did stop watching for a while so that I could photograph the other photographers catching the action.

There were quite a few people out on the beach watching.

Even the pelicans thought it was nice enough to keep an eye on it.

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