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Monday, November 6, 2023

A Week in Canada - The Price of Gasoline

We stopped for gasoline at 3 locations in Canada.  

Our first stop was at a station with a posted price of 165.9

 What on earth does that mean???

I sadly failed to take any pictures of the pumps and prices as I usually do in other countries.  Calculating the price per gallon requires a double conversion since prices were in Canadian dollars - worth about $0.75 U.S. - and the amount dispensed was in liters - I had been expecting the old 5 quart Imperial gallon, but, of course, Canada has gone all metric.

With all the math done, we paid a bargain basement $4.47 per gallon in Winnipeg at a discount station near the airport, and $4.64 - $4.71 out on the highways.  The prices are actually posted in Canadian pennies.  So, the sign advertising 165.9  means $1.659 per liter or $6.28 Canadian per gallon which is $4.71 U.S. Dollars per gallon.  

It was interesting to see that they have managed to preserve the "xxx.9" selling price concept even after changing to metric volumes.

You can click on the Gasolline Prices tag, in the sidebar, to see other gasoline price posts on this blog


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