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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's Watermelon Season in Egypt!

We were returning from our daily walk a couple of days ago when we noticed that watermelons were starting to appear on the local fruit stands.  We had seen some along the larger highways last week so suspected they would show up in the neighborhood soon.

This vendor had his cart set up fairly close to home so we stopped to look.
EgyptWatermelon-1-1 EgyptWatermelon-2

He took one off the stack, took out a big knife and cut out a slice.  He handed it to us to taste.  O my, it was sweet.  He fit it back together and bagged it for us.  Notice that it is red, full-flavored and sweet right out to edge.  This is watermelon the way I remember it from my childhood years.

Here is a picture from the wholesale fruit market from a previous trip.

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