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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

At the Car Show in Solon Springs, Wisconsin

Over the 4th of July holiday, I headed into the hardware store in Solon Springs to pick up some items.  I blogged about their holiday parade a couple of years ago in this post.

On the way into town, I noticed a small sign saying "Car show."
Carshow-05 Carshow-04

Sure enough, there was a major car show underway up by the brand new Dollar General!  I found out it ran two days and Linda and I came back the next day to look over the display.  There were 50's and 60's Chevys but those aren't really classics.  Heck I owned a couple of them.

But this 1932 Packard.  Now that's a classic car.  I hope the owner won some form of award.

It was a good show.  They even had a band playing some blues and some Credence.  Glad I saw that sign.

1 comment:

Car Hire said...

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