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Monday, February 17, 2014

Now, That's a Flashlight!

The power went off for the eighth(?) time last night.  Unfortunately, Linda was across the hall at the neighbor's and hadn't taken her flashlight.  I fumbled around and found one of our two for when she would be returning.   After about twenty minutes, I heard her at the door and shined the light her way as the door opened.

She about blinded me with the light she had brought home with her.

It's a two-tube fluorescent fixture that stores use for emergency lighting.  We lit the apartment for dinner with it.  Our neighbors keep two of them.

After the power came back on, I took it back to our neighbor and asked where I could buy one.  He said that he'd pick one up for me downtown in the next day or two.  It will be a welcome addition.

Based on our experience, these winter power outages are unusual and may lead to more serious issues as summer arrives as noted in this article.

UPDATE: 2/18/2014
Last night, just before 11 p.m., the doorbell rang.  It was the 4-year-old and 9-year-old from across the hall.  They had a new emergency light for me.  Dad had just returned from downtown and sent them over with the light.
Blackout-1    Blackout-2

And it was fortunate that he picked it up so quickly.  Tonight at 7 p.m. the lights went out for an hour as we were preparing dinner.  With matches to light the gas stove and our new emergency light on, we hardly missed a beat.  The "lights out" program appears to be part of a planned conservation program necessitated by a shortage of natural gas.  At least that was the message in most places.  But, I see there is now at least one report that "The Brotherhood Did It."

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