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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Construction in Progress, Part II

After looking over the building in the previous post, which was a two-bedroom unit, we also looked at a nearby three-bedroom unit aimed at a bit more upscale buyer.  This is about a 2500 square foot apartment.  This similar unit next door shows the raw apartment before finishing.  You typically buy it like this and have your contractor finish the interior as you like it.  The units start out all the same but no two are alike when finished.

That support column in the middle of the living space might give your interior designer fits but here, they have some imaginative solutions.
CIP-11 CIP-12

There are recessed lights in those wavy "gaps" in the column and also surrounding the column on the ceiling.  The recessed lighting will also be featured in the master suite above the head of the bed.  Those conduit loops are just place-holders at the moment.

Next, let's head down the hallway to a large bathroom.  Here, Linda and I disagree on the style.  I like the Siberian tiger on the shower wall.  A tile picture like this is becoming a popular trend in bathrooms here.  Linda is not a fan.
CIP-19 CIP-15

It is a fairly permanent choice. And, it's going to look better when those plaster drips are scraped off.

On to the kitchen, or "mudbuck" in Arabic.  Once again, you can never get too elaborate on ceramic tile in Egypt.  I like the decorative pieces a lot but Linda again disagrees.  The "open concept" has not arrived here so the cook is isolated. Nonetheless, this style is called an "American kitchen" simply because there is a pass-through opening into the dining area.


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