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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cats And Dogs Among the Pictures

We spent Tuesday at a some interesting places on the Cairo side of the Nile.  I'm not ready to blog about them yet, though.  It was a cloudy day and I spent most of today working on the pictures cropping and enhancing so that I could get pictures like this

to look more like this.

As I work on them, I get lots more ideas for blog posts - far than I seem to get done.  Sometimes I have a few interesting pictures, but they are just "cats and dogs" so to speak.  How do I get them to hang together in a story?  For example, this cat working the air conditioners outside the third floor windows at a restaurant looking for a handout.

Or these dogs sleeping on the car.

Have you ever heard anything about Muslims and dogs?  For instance, this Yahoo question, "Why do Muslims hate dogs?"  These three dogs are lying almost in the shadow of Al Azhar, Suni Islam's most prestigious university and across the street from an Islamic bookstore.  Do you think the answers might be wrong?  Maybe I should do a post on dogs in Egypt.

And then I like this picture so much I want to put it somewhere, so maybe I'll just include it here.

Hopefully, I will get a real post together tomorrow.

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