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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Fresh Roast Coffee

Along Al Azhar street, west of the Al Azhar Mosque, there is a Gad fast food operation,  Just around the corner from Gad, to the southwest, there is a coffee shop.  It has a sign above it, "Shop of Marzuk for Coffee and Tea" in Arabic - Marzuk means luck in business, I'm told.  It's a great place to stop for fresh roast coffee.
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In fact, that Arabic script at the bottom of the cup above the shop sign says, "Always Fresh."  We were passing by on our way toward a restaurant and stopped in for some fresh roast beans.  The owner had a fresh batch turning in the roaster.
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The small window on the roaster lets you inspect the beans as they progress from green to roasted brown.

Inside, you will have to make it clear that you want beans instead of ground coffee if you are so inclined.  There are several grades of coffee available starting at 40 EGP for a half-kilo.  It's good coffee and much cheaper than the beans from Starbucks at one of the malls.

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