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Monday, March 6, 2017

Guests in Town This Week - Visiting the Museum

Another big day out with our guests from the Twin Cities.

We started out at the Egyptian National Museum which had many more tourists than last year.
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We had the outstanding guide, Rashid, along to explain what we were seeing.

Do not attempt this museum without a knowledgeable guide!  There are few explanations and "pointers" to some of the world's greatest treasures.

One of Linda's favorites.              One of Tom's favorites.
Museum-02 Museum-04

This year, I took special note of some of the papyrus in the Manuscript Room.

Here the guys pause to reflect on all they have seen.

Next, we were off to the top of the hill overlooking the city to see the Citadel and explore the Mohammad Ali Mosque, a landmark second only to the pyramids.
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Outside, we paused for a few pictures for the bashful children who would all like a picture with a foreign tourist.  Some ask, "are you afraid to come to Egypt?"  - likely a class assignment.

Late in the afternoon, we see lots of paintings on papyrus in modern form at the popular Golden Eagle Papyrus store.  Compare with the original product, seen above.

Finally, dinner at Andreas Restaurant which has moved from their location along the Maryoteya Canal out to the distant suburb of Pyramid Heights.  The chicken and bread remain as tasty as always.  And, yes the "bread ladies" of Andreas have moved along with the restaurant and you can buy wine in Egypt.
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1 comment:

Egypt Pharaohs Tours said...

The history of Egypt is a fundamental part of the history of human civilization. Through the interaction between Egypt’s unique geographical location and the creativity and exertion of ancient Egyptians.
Egypt Pharaohs Tours