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Monday, January 14, 2019

Fall of 2019

We have arrived back in Cairo for another winter.  I feel I should update you on all our activities during the summer and fall before starting any Egypt blogging - but Linda says our readers just want to know what is going on here now.

But I am going to mention that Linda and the traveling ladies spent two weeks in Croatia.

There is a an album of photos of the group on tour available on Flickr.  Just follow this link.

And we took a driving tour of eleven states in seven days just after Thanksgiving.  Following that, I spent several days in California while attending the memorial service of a dear departed cousin.  There is a Flickr album that covers those trips too.  Follow this link.

I think I should squeeze in just a few pictures too:

While Linda was gone, I spent a week over at the Charles Babbage Institute where there are 700 boxes of Burroughs/ElectroData corporate papers from the 1950s, '60s and '70s.  I was joined by two other researchers from California and Tasmania for the week.
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That post-Thanksgiving trip took us to the Museum at Oak Ridge, Tennessee and a display of a Calutron control panel.
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If you don't know what a Calutron is, be sure to look up the Calutron Girls and maybe even read the book, The Girls of Atomic City.

In Salem,Virginia, we found the exact location of the Langhorne Flour Mill which you can see pictured in this previous blog post.  We even met a descendent of old J. C. Langhorne.
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There was much more excitement to our autumn, but I will just leave you with a reminder of our backyard bird watching and then we can move on to Egypt blogging.

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