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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Shopping Across Town

As you can see from the previous post, we buy most of our food items in the neighborhood shops.  We love walking down the street, exchanging greetings with the shop owners - even if we are not buying - and just visiting.  Our neighborhood has a bit of a village feel to it.

But we do go to the larger supermarket shopping centers for some items.  The local vegetable market does not have mushrooms and the local Ragab Sons supermarket does not have a wide selection of baking supplies and frozen meats.  You also won't find a good selection of appliances or televisions nearby.  For that sort of thing, we make a trip across the river to the upscale suburb of Maadi or downtown.

The City Center Mall in Maadi is only about six miles away and contains a Carrefour hypermarket along with about fifty other stores.  (Shop online at Carrefour Egypt here.)

Here you can see some shoppers relaxing at the Dunkin' Donuts shop after they filled their shopping carts at Carrefour.

Other shoppers are noting the bargains on sale and enjoying the food court.  McDonald's golden arches are just visible in the background.
ShoppingEgypt-13 ShoppingEgypt-11


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