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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

What's the Weather Like in Egypt?

What's the weather like in Egypt is a frequent question we hear.  I usually describe it as "about like the weather in Phoenix."  Checking on Accuweather today I see that Phoenix will have a low of 48 and a high of 67.  Our thermometer here in Cairo registered an overnight low of 48 yesterday and a high of 68.  I'd say that is pretty darn close!

But today is a different day...

When the wind blows here in the winter, the fine sand of the Sahara turns the sky to a golden glow and cools the temperature.  Do not go outside!  Breathing the dust is unpleasant and it gets into places you would never imagine.

Here is a photograph from our back balcony a couple of days ago alongside one from this afternoon.

The weather forecast describes the situation this way.

After a few hours, things have begun to settle down.  This usually happens a couple of times each winter during our stay - but usually in late February or March.  I guess you would call it unseasonably sandy.

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