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Saturday, January 1, 2022

Catching Up On The Travel Blog 2020 - Minnesota to Boise, Day 2 - Hysham, Montana

 Hysham, Montana is a town of 276 - but is the county seat of Treasure County.  It is unlikely that you would turn off the freeway and head into town unless you know there is something special there. The reason we headed into Hysham was a sign that said "Statues" and an arrow pointing toward the town.








The Yucca Theater is an appealing southwest mission-stye building that has served as a community theater and movie house since its construction in 1931.


Alongside the theater is a group of statues that commemorate the exploration party of Captain William Clark, Sacagawea and her son, Jean Baptiste, and an unidentified hunter of the Lewis and Clark exploration party.  They were carved from wood by a local sculptor.   Look closely at the photo below and you might spot a sabre-tooth tiger and the tusks of a woolly mammoth in the background. No explanation was given for their presence. We can speculate that perhaps the artist wanted to show his talent.



Unfortunately, we had arrived late in the evening and the historical Treasure County '89er museum across the street was closed and we could only peer through the windows.


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