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Friday, January 24, 2025

A Drive Down El-Arish Street on Friday Night (Video included)

El Arish Street, a quarter mile of chaos between Haram and Faisal Streets in Giza, is the site of Cairo's greatest clothing bargains. Not frequently visited by tourists, this is a great place to capture the essence of Cairo culture.  Shirts and sweaters start at about 2$.




As shoppers gather in the evening - especially on a Friday evening - you might think no one could drive a car down the street. Unless you are an Egyptian. Cairo's drivers are highly skilled and have no fear; our Uber driver plunged right into the crowd as did numerous others in cars, tuk-tuks and motorcycles. Enjoy the ride! And walkers, beware. Eyes in the back of your head would be useful here.

The drivers of Cairo are masters at multi-tasking; they thread their way through streets crowded with all manner of vehicles, mixed with pedestrians while simultaneously listening to the radio at high volume, talking on their mobile phone and honking the horn with great enthusiasm.  Occasional conversations with passing cars or street vendors may interrupt the other activities. El Arish Street is sensory overload to the max.

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