Our Italian made range/oven is not very precise when it comes to temperature regulation. I was aiming for 375 degrees F when I set the gauge at 190 degrees C. You can see by the internal thermometer that it was actually just short of 350F. Oh well, let's bake them at that temp then.

When all of our friends hear the word "cookie" they think chocolate chip cookies so that's what I make for them.

The typical recipe calls for brown sugar which is difficult to find these days but luckily the Internet tells us that white sugar mixed with molasses makes "brown sugar". In Egypt, molasses is called "black honey". Molasses can be found in nearly all shops, including small convenience type shops.

I use the recipe that my grandmother used. I can't say it's her recipe since she probably found it on a package of chocolate chips but I refer to it as "Grandma's recipe".

Ten minutes at "whatever" temperature will be perfect.

Years ago we found chocolate chips readily available at larger super markets. That is no longer the case so I pack a couple packages in my allotted luggage.

This recipe typically makes about 80 cookies--enough for everyone.

When all the chocolate chips are used, I switch to M&M's which can be found in abundance everywhere. I really don't like using the blue ones in cookies. Such intense blue in food somehow feels wrong but I once removed all the blue ones and discovered that I'd have to buy way too many packages to satisfy blue aversion.

Here they are--packaged to give away with a small bag to keep around to serve visitors.

The baking was done under the watchful eyes of our cat, Kitty Kat. No cookies for her. She would rather eat chicken.

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