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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Fruits and Vegetables

We decided to walk up the street to our local vegetable market this afternoon.  It's about a quarter mile walk to "Save Mart" which we first described a few years ago.  Just as we reached the very busy corner near our old favorite local supermarket, Ragab Sons, now out of business for a couple of years, we were approached by our young friend, Nour!  We have lived here long enough to watch him grow up from a 9 year old to now being old enough to drive a Tuk-Tuk (local taxi.) 

SaveMart-1-1    Savemart3


Nour and his friend offered us a ride the rest of the way to the market where we enjoy shopping for our fruits and vegetables.


Nour and his friend waited for us with the Tuk-Tuk and gave us a ride home.  Along the way, the Tuk-Tuk began to sputter and run out of gas.  Nour's friend pulled out a two-liter Pepsi bottle of gasoline from under the driver's seat and topped off the tiny tank of the vehicle.  The two-liter bottle is the standard "reserve tank" in these vehicles - and no, the bottles are not red with special caps - this is Egypt!  

The motor started up and ran fine for the final several hundred yards where they dropped us off.

SmartMart-new-1    SaveMart-2


Here's our cache of fresh food, including a full kilogram (2.2 pounds) of strawberries that I couldn't resist.  Not a bad value at $3.64 for the entire batch.


Update, the next day.

I didn't do justice to the tuk-tuk traffic in this post so I took a couple more pictures today down at this high traffic corner.

Ragab-06    Ragab-07

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