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Monday, March 5, 2012

Pensacola Beach, Gulf View

(Reminder about the pictures:  You can click on any picture and be taken to my Flickr.com site where you can browse through them and see larger versions.)

We only have one week left here before we head north.  That sounds really short when we have a day like today.  Yesterday we had rain all day and that cleared the air.  This morning, out on the balcony, the view was spectacular to the East.

Those water towers in the distance are at Navarre Beach, a full seventeen miles away.

The view was equally crisp to the West.  You might notice that chairs and umbrellas have sprung up in the past few days.

A large part of the beauty of the Gulf beaches comes from the patterns of light and dark when clouds move in as they did back on this day with good visibility a few weeks ago.

One full-time resident located about a mile down the beach has a chair in the sand.  A couple of days ago, he moved it down close to the water to watch the wave action.

During our stay, we have seen the fog roll in.

We have watched dark clouds.

We have watched clouds that would scare us if were back home in the mid-west.  Here, all remained calm.

When there are breaks in the clouds, the play of light on the water is fascinating.
Gulf-07 Gulf-05

My favorite times to watch, though, remain sunrise

and sunset.  This one is from January when the sun set in the Gulf.

And this one is from February as it was coming down closer to shore.  Alas, there are no more sunsets on the water now.

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