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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pensacola Pecans

We are getting close to leaving for Minnesota so this week has been busy tying up loose ends.  One task we had to get done was buying pecans.  We wanted some for ourselves and some for a friend.  Fortunately, Pensacola is home to one of the fine Pecan growers in the south, J. W. Renfroe.

We stopped in for a personal visit and immediately noticed a wide selection of Pecans.

Now the problem.  Which one to buy?  The lady at the counter suggested tasting them and we did.  One stood out, the Schley.  Reading the description showed us why.  This variety is delicate and the "thin shell doesn't hold up to mechanical harvesting."  We bought a few pounds.

Renfroe's has been in business for a long time. They had a couple of articles about the company posted on the walls.
PensacolaPecans-5 PensacolaPecans-6

And there were even helpful signs.
PensacolaPecans-7 PensacolaPecans-8


For Pecans, this is a very good place.  Their one shortcoming is that they don't offer lots of free samples of their many other items like the Punta Clara Candy Kitchen does over on Mobile Bay.  Punta Clara remaina our favorites for fudge.

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