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Friday, March 2, 2018

Another Blog You Might Enjoy.

About five years ago we were fortunate to meet an American couple through this blog. Alan and Aliza planned to visit Egypt and were doing internet research before their trip and happened upon our blog. They contacted us and we arranged to meet them one day in Cairo.  You will find them in this post from that day.  It turned out that they were from Portland and we have stayed in touch over the years.

They have retired and boldly moved about the world recently.  Aliza maintains a blog titled Rambulatory most recently describing their stay in Sudan, a few hundred miles to our south.  If you have ever been curious about the people and customs of Khartoum, you will find Aliza's pictures alone worth your time.

Last night we had the opportunity to visit with Alan and Aliza for several hours here in Cairo and catch up.  It really is a small world that we live in.
Here we are having drinks at an outdoor cafe in the bazaar area.

1 comment:

Aliza said...

It was so amazing to see you both again! We are certainly all members of the Tribe of Travel.And praise for my photos is certainly high praise coming from you, Tom.