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Monday, March 26, 2018

At the Cairo Flower Show/Plant Sale

An annual flower show is held each spring here at the Orman Botanical Garden near the Cairo University campus in Giza.  We visited the show a couple of weeks ago.

This is a bit like visiting the horticultural building at the Minnesota State Fair.  This year the show even includes this exhibit of  President Sisi in a "grass-art" portrait.

These are a couple of the permanent exhibits from the botanical garden's trees.
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The scenes are beautiful so there is quite a bit of photography going on from "selfies" to professional shots.
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We really enjoyed the stroll through the exhibits.




I found this giraffe on which to grow some ivy or other vine.  I thought it would look very nice in our front yard at home but I suppose our Home Owners Association would object.
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Most of the exhibits are provided by landscaping/nursery companies such as these.
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If you decide to make a purchase, you will easily find a local man with a wheelbarrow who will take it to your car.  There are many of them cruising the grounds seeking an opportunity to earn a few pounds.  This seems like a really good idea.

Speaking of cars, this one, parked near the main entrance was in some distress.  The driver had broken a tire after hitting a pothole on the Ring Road and drove down here.  The show seemed like a good place to park while he hunted up a replacement.  Note that he does have an extra tire in the back seat "just in case."  (A suspicious person could have all sorts of thoughts about calamitous evil associated with this situation.)

Besides my own Flickr Album found here, you may want to visit this display from the flower show.

The location of the garden is shown below.

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