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Friday, February 15, 2019

A Visit to Sinan Pasha Mosque in Bulaq

After visiting the fabulous fabric shop near the Hilton Cairo World Trade Center Residences, we headed back into "old Bulaq."  I wanted to see the Sinan Pasha Mosque which dates from 1571.  Visible from across the Nile for four centuries, it now is hidden behind the modern skyscrapers lining the Corniche.

This article in the Cairo Observer from 2012 has a photo and drawing that reveal architectural details along with this note:
The mosque is used by some of the area’s elders, and is visited by architecture specialists who know of it. But perhaps it could be interesting if more people wandered the streets of Bulaq and discovered Sinan Pasha and surrounding area for themselves.
We concur.  If you are looking for more detail, download this article by architectural historian, Tarek Swelim.

The mosque is located in a quiet area but the surrounding buildings make photography difficult.  In spite of that, I captured some good views of the dome and minaret.

SinanPashaMosque-02 SinanPashaMosque-10

At the entry to the mosque, there is a sign presenting the history of the structure.  It's in Arabic only, indicating that not many foreign tourists are expected.
SinanPashaMosque-08 SinanPashaMosque-06

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