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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Airplane on a Stick - Bilbeis, Egypt

Call me quirky, but I like to take photos of airplanes on a stick. Click here to see all of my collection.

There is an airplane on a stick in front of the Egyptian Air Force Academy at Bilbeis, about 50km northeast of Cairo.  I really wanted a photo but the Egyptian military is a little sensitive about photos of military installations. After being warned by all others in the car about what would happen to me if I was caught taking a photo, I did not try to photograph it.  But, about 6 km closer to Cairo along the Cairo-Bilbeis Desert Road there is a roundabout with this Sukhoi Su-7 fighter-bomber mounted in the center.

A fairly rare bird, the Su-7 saw service with the Egyptian Air Force during the October War of 1973 (Yom Kippur War.)

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