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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sibiu, Romania

From Cluj, we continued south to the city of Sibiu, Romania.  Sibiu, with a populations of around 150,000 lies almost exactly in the center of Romania and lies just to the north of the Carpathian Mountains.  Driving into town the first view is not encouraging.

But it turns out that there are three public squares in the older part of the town and some nicely restored buildings.
Sibu-2 Sibu-6

These town squares provide a focus for the very old Lutheran church and somewhat newer Roman Catholic church.
Sibu-3-1 Sibu-4-1

We spent part of the following morning at the art museum which featured Romanian Impressionists as well as a collection of European masters.

The general attractiveness of the buildings on the square is probably one of the reasons that Forbes magazine rated Sibiu, "Europe's 8th most idyllic place to live."  Sibiu was also named one of the "European Culture Capitals" in 2007 and has been the focus of some of England's Prince Charles Romanian activities.

The rooftops are pretty, especially the ones with "eyebrow" windows.
Sibu-3 Sibu-4

And, Linda found a some doors to photograph and add to her collection.
Sibu-1-1 Sibu-2-1

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