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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Another Walk Interrupted

A few days ago, we were on our morning walk through the neighborhood and an approaching vehicle honked.  It was our neighborhood lamp-maker, Tamer.  I blogged about this family of brass artisans a few years back.  Their Al Chabandhar lamp store still gets our recommendation for "best brass in Cairo."

Tamer was just on his way to the factory to put in some weekend work on an order for a large custom chandelier.  We chatted and had tea while he showed me in detail how he moves from blueprints to the final polished brass.  Here, he has just begun to smooth one of the inserts after soldering it into place.
EgyptLamp-1-6 EgyptLamp-2-3

After visiting for a while, we resumed our walk, never knowing what we might see next.

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