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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Happy Birthday!

A few years ago our friend, Samir, strongly suggested that he would really like an apple tart.  The apples available in Cairo are not "apple pie apples" so now we make sure to bring a few with us every time we winter in Egypt.  Samir's birthday is shortly after our arrival every year so I make and apple pie for him.  Barb, our friend and neighbor at our cabin in Wisconsin, has a wonderful recipe for a one crust apple pie that we really like so that's the recipe I use.
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 I like the fact that it's a one crust pie since I don't really like making crusts and my rolling pin is an improvised one.

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This year there was enough crust and apple filling to make a free form pie for us too.  This is good because I never know how the pie has turned out.  I can't give a pie to Samir with a  piece missing.
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 The free form pie met with our approval and so the next day we presented the Birthday Pie to Samir.  He declared it "perfect!" (Thanks, Barb.)

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Here Tom and Samir are drinking tea after eating a piece of Birthday Pie.
Posted by LINDA

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