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Monday, July 1, 2013

Mount Kilimanjaro

If you look up the Wikipedia entry for the town of Moshi, you'll find this delightful view with the 19,000 foot peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro in the background. (click here for a link to the full size Wikimedia Commons entry.)

During our two weeks in Tanzania we were constantly teased by this sign.

But this was the usual scene at the viewing point.

Finally, on our last full day in Moshi, there was a break in the clouds that regularly shroud the peak.  I quickly captured this image - it might be the only view we would get.

Gradually, that opening in the clouds shifted and the peak became visible at last.

But we were off to dinner.  A few minutes later, as our bus drove through town and prepared to turn up into the foothills, the mountaintop actually emerged into full view.

Suddenly there was a clash of the realists versus the optimist.  Several of us wanted to capture the image right now.  Our resident optimist boomed out, "Guys!  We're going to a place where the view is even better."  Needless to say, we never saw Kilimanjaro again.

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