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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Tanzania - Beverage Service

We have been to other countries in Africa, (there are 55) such as Egypt and Morocco.  Those are primarily Muslim countries so finding alcoholic beverages out in the open was a new African experience for us.

Not everywhere, of course.  Our hotel, the Lutheran Church operated Uhuru Hostel, had a "no-alcohol" policy.  This is not mentioned in the Trip Advisor review of the place which has generally good reviews of the restaurant.  We never ate there except for breakfast.

Many of our lunches and dinners were at what could only be described as "Oases."  Here is a sampling of the beverage selection.
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The two local beers most frequently served were Serengeti and Kilimanjaro.  I didn't hear of anyone in our group planning to take home a six-pack, but it does taste like beer.  You can check out the reviews for Kilimanjar here at Beer Advocate.  It currently garners a 2.6 rating on a scale of 5. 
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The wine seen on the table above was a 2011 McKnaught and Walker Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand.

My own drinking highlight of the trip came at a beautiful lodge (to be described later) perched on the rim of the famed Ngorogoro Crater where I not only found a bartender with a bottle of Chivas Regal but he even had a supply of "rocks" to pour it over.

Later in the trip, a few of us had the opportunity to visit a liquor store in the lakeside town of Bukoba.  Prices are posted on the outside with both the wholesale price and retail commission listed prominently.  The selection and stock levels appeared adequate.  Note that many of the products (such as the Vladimir Vodka) are sold in a convenient 180 or 240 pack of 50ml(Two Ounce) miniatures.  I presume this is useful if you are starting your own airline or, like this fellow in Russia, collect that size. 
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And, just in case you did follow the links that I posted previously to blogs by other members of our party and encountered this:
"Later that night, we went to dinner at Kilimakyaro Lodge and all drank a bit to much..." 
Please note that "all" does not actually mean all people in our group!

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