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Monday, July 1, 2013

Obama in Tanzania

With president Obama arriving in Tanzania today, it seems appropriate to share a few pictures from the past few weeks with you.

U.S. presidents are no strangers to the northern part of the country.  We stopped at the Cultural Heritage Center in Arusha for a little souvenir shopping.  They feature a good collection of local paintings, carvings and other crafts at reasonable prices.
TanCHC-2-1 TanCHC-1-1

There were White house letters of appreciation posted from two former U.S. presidents, Clinton and Bush.  This appears to be an obligatory stop.
TanCHC-2 TanCHC-3

There is an interesting appeal to Americans at this market along the road between Arusha and the Serengeti.

Besides the Kerry and Clinton "shops" there are also Bush and Obama cart shops.
Obama-2 Obama-1

But the president has his own special appeal in this part of Africa.
Obama-7 Tanzania-Obama-1 Obama-6


And we spent a couple of days shuffling around the town of Bukoba in this choir van with an Obama-Biden sticker on the back.

1 comment:

Aliza said...

The pen is my favorite Obama product.