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Friday, March 11, 2016

Nature's Gifts


An advertisement appeared on my Facebook one day that caught my attention. It was an ad for Nature's Gifts Stores (here in Cairo). It claimed to have organic and gluten free items AND they delivered. Upon further investigation of their web site I discovered that they are an online only store. Because businesses here come and go at a high rate, I scoffed at this discovery.  After reading several reviews and checking their Facebook page I decided that they were still in business.


I decided to try the service with a small order. They have products ranging from organics to gluten free to prepared foods to cosmetics and more. There are many Bob's Red Mill products available.

I placed my order on line and almost immediately received an email from the company asking about my preferred delivery time. They said they would deliver the following day between 12:00 and 1:00.

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I was suitably impressed when the delivery was made the next day and was only 15 minutes late. Unacceptable, perhaps in the U.S., but in Egypt? Unheard of.


After the delivery the emails continued just like a "real company". They wanted to make sure that I was happy with their service. I'm surprised, amazed and happy.  They even have a frequent buyer program and I already have 10 points


These are the products I bought. I've made the Bob's Red Mill chocolate chip cookies and I've eaten the rice crackers. They meet with my approval.  I hope that they are still in business next year so I won't have to fill my suitcase with gluten free products from home as I did this year.  Check them out at www.ngs-egypt.comwww.ngs-egypt.com

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