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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Moon Over Carhenge

Carhenge was high on my list of sites to see in Nebraska. While Stonehenge in England leaves you with a lot of questions - who built it? - how did they get those stones up there?, Carhenge leaves little mystery.

We were lucky enough to arrive just after sunset with a nearly-full moon having risen above the 38 artfully placed cars.

Another part of this "car-art" exhibit may be even more photographed. The moon adds a bit of an eerie atmosphere to this scene.

Carhenge is about 50 miles north of Interstate-80, located at Alliance, Nebraska. Admission is free. Don't worry about arriving late, the parking lot is open until 10 p.m.
You can even wander out into the exhibit at night.

The actual location is about three miles north of Alliance on 87 which is two miles east of U.S. 385. Signs advertising Carhenge could easily mislead you to into looking for it on 385. Just look for this sign:

1 comment:

HereBeDragons said...

Nice. Nighttime would be fun. I was there on a 15 minute flying stop over my lunch break on a work trip. But I loved every minute of it!