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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Another Unplanned Day

Linda and I headed out on our usual walk around the neighborhood this morning around 10:00.  We walk about two and a half miles and cover a route that takes us past a couple of cabbage patches, a new mosque under construction, plenty of apartment construction, two language schools, a supermarket ...  In other words, it's a pretty comprehensive cultural survey of the community.  It's likely not great exercise because the pace is slow.

We were only about ten minutes into our walk when a neighbor called us and suggested that we could take our daily walk by accompanying him and his family to their club.  Clubs are a key social center in Egypt for many people.  There is a judges club, a teachers club, sporting club etc.  Typically, they are found along the Nile or on a hill with a view.  Members may stop in for tea or dinner and the club might host a wedding.  Some of the more prominent ones sponsor a football (soccer) team or even have their own field.  The closest analogy back in the U.S. might be a country club without alcohol or golf course.

So, we joined our neighbor and his family and headed across town to his club.  We were joined by members of his extended family and at one point were part of a group of thirteen. We ended up back home around 6:00 p.m. after lots of good conversation.

This club sits high on a hill overlooking the area a couple of miles north of downtown Cairo.  As Linda and I walked up the hill, I paused to "smell the roses."  Here are a few pictures of the landscaping and flowers.  (click on the photo and then on the magnifying glass to view larger sizes.)
ContractorsClub-5 ContractorsClub-1

Besides roses, Lantana and Hibiscus are also currently blooming.
ContractorsClub-4 ContractorsClub-3

And I can't resist taking pictures of satellite dishes that sprout like weeds in the garden.

And this small and old walled area holds a cemetery.

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