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Friday, January 25, 2013

Atkins and Taubes Would Not Approve

We were invited out for dinner last night and had a very tasty typical Egyptian family dinner.

The potatoes and beans were both prepared in a tomato sauce.  When served over rice, they make a very tasty combination.  Yes, that's right, potatoes and beans over rice!  That is chicken on the back of the platter - this wasn't 100% carbs.

Linda is working on getting the recipe for the tomato sauce.  We could see bay leaf and taste garlic but there is more flavor in the dish than just that.  It may be "some spices" as we refer to it when someone is unwilling to disclose an exact family secret recipe.

We also had an appetizer of Lupini beans.

Now, the people that I see walking the streets of Cairo don't seem to suffer from the same obesity noted in this Gary Taubes article.  Perhaps the key word there is "walking."  Life here involves a lot of that.

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