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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

We Seldom Plan Our Day

This morning we thought we would probably go do some grocery shopping at a new supermarket that has opened up on the street behind us.  But, a phone call gave us the opportunity to invite a friend over and that soon led to an invitation to go downtown.  I suggested lunch and soon we were headed over to Al Azhar Park.

A tall bluff called Moqattam runs parallel to the river about a mile east of the Nile.  You can see it in this picture I took from the top of a building in our neighborhood about seven years ago.

If you know just where to look in that picture you can find the Citadel, one the many historic sites to see here.

A few years back, Al-Azhar Park was established on the Moqattam hills, not far from the Citadel.  It is a popular place for locals to visit as well as being a tourist stop with a restaurant noted for its Citadel view.

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The restaurant menu offers a brief description of the Citadel.

Both the Citadel and Al-Azhar Park offer a great view of downtown Cairo.

The food is good, although at "tourist prices," not Egyptian prices.  This appetizer plate offered a wide range of Egyptian salads.

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