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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Signs of Spring

By the time we had reached the Texas border, the temperature had finally risen into the 50s. As we looked around, we could see the beginnings of spring.

We had first noticed some of the ornamental pears starting to show white blossoms along highway 67 around Little Rock. At Texarkana, we noticed a large ornamental pear in the parking lot of the travel information center. You might not notice it in the distance but look at the close-up photo.
SignsOfSpring-1 SignsOfSpring-2

Then we started to see little bunches of Jonquils along the road in Texas.

When we stopped in Nacogdoches to see the oldest town in Texas, we parked near this Magnolia.

Temperatures soon warmed into the 70s and even hit 80 by the time we arrived in Houston.

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