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Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Visit to Bukoba, Tanzania. Part 1

The last stop on our Tanzanian "Vision Trip" was at Bukoba.  A bit "off the beaten path," even if you are already in Tanzania, Bukoba is a city of about 100,000 that lies in the extreme northern part of the country on the western shore of Lake Victoria.

Besides the obvious attraction of the water, Bukoba is notable for a mild year-round climate and a small island visible from most parts of the community.

Bukoba-05 Bukoba-63


We departed from the Kilimanjaro airport near Arusha on board Tanzania's Precision Air.

A glance at Google Maps leads you to think that Bukoba has only a dirt airstrip, but it has recently been upgraded to asphalt.
Bukoba-33 Bukoba-30

Some people on our flight thought that this greeting party, many dressed in the Tanzanian national colors, was there to meet us.  It just happened that the local provincial governor was also flying in on our plane.

After gathering up our baggage from the small arrival lounge, we headed out to the Fiosmimi Executive Hotel.
Bukoba-49 Bukoba-51

This hotel is a comfortable spot near the beach in Bukoba.  Not perfect, mind you, but it has friendly hosts, a great outdoor sitting area facing the ocean and the meals we were served were excellent.
Bukoba-01 Bukoba-27

Bukoba-04 Bukoba-02

Did I mention that the grounds were a bit like an exhibit of tropical plants?
Bukoba-67 Bukoba-68 Bukoba-66


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