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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Maryland State Capitol - Annapolis

Our trip to Dover had taken us out onto that "dangly" peninsula that contains Delaware and a chunk of Maryland.  I had no idea that it had a name until I began searching for links for this post.  Wikipedia even has an entry for "Delmarva Peninsula."  From that source:
The culture on Delmarva is starkly different from the rest of the Mid-Atlantic and is much like that of the Southern United States. Many Delmarva counties are much more Conservative than the "mainland" counties of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia.

Delmarva is driven by agriculture and commercial fishing. Most of the land is rural and there are but a few large population centers. Many local restaurants serve southern cuisine such as sweet tea and dishes including or composed entirely of greens in addition to menus heavy with fried food
Well, I did notice the prevalence of "sweet tea."  Here are some map references to help you get oriented.
Maryland3-1-1 Maryland3-3 Maryland3-2-1

The road from Dover to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge passes through some Amish farm country.  I suppose those folks would also count as "conservative." 

Soon after crossing the bay bridge, we saw a sign welcoming us to Maryland's capital.
Maryland-05 Maryland-06

The State House is visible from quite a distance and sits on top of a hill.
Maryland-07 Maryland-08

There is a Thurgood Marshall monument near the capitol and I think the picture of the building looks very good with Justice Marshall included.
Maryland2-3 Maryland-17

It's another of those capitols that requires a trip to the side to capture the dome.
Maryland-22 Maryland3-1

Both the senate and the house chambers were open to the public.
Maryland-15 Maryland-09

Maryland-14 Maryland-10

And that sign said something about Washington resigning his commission here, didn't it?
Maryland3-2 Maryland-13


There will be no lobbying down this hallway.

But this group has a very nice building across the street and probably lobbies a lot.

Here's the governor's mansion.

The First Lady has a garden but we didn't see her doing any work on it.
Maryland-19 Maryland-20


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