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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dearborn - An Arab-American City

If you didn't catch the television series, "All-American Muslim," you might not be aware that Dearborn has a higher concentration of Arab-American citizens than any other U.S. city.  Yes, the city is known for being headquarters to Ford Motor Company.

But look around at the yard signs for the current mayoral contest.

And if one of those candidates wins the election, they will look across the street from City Hall and see this building.
Ford-22 Ford-21

Here are a few other buildings along major streets.
Ford-17 Ford-19

And don't you just love it when groups from other countries arrive and begin assimilating and taking hold of American culture by running a "Ramadan Special" or setting up a telephone number like dial 84-Mecah?
Ford-20 Ford-24

Yes it really is the Mecah Islamic Superstore running a special on headscarves and hijabs.


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