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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Tanzania - The Final Post

After our two-day whirlwind tour of Bukoba, we returned to Moshi for a final couple of days.  It was then that I finally got the picture of Kilimanjaro.  I'll include it again here.

I've never shown you the sign or the main building for the Lutheran Uhuru Hotel in Moshi.  So here they are.
Bukoba-34 Bukoba-35

And is it really Lutheran?  Yeah, youbetcha!

On our final day, we packed up and headed off to the airport after dropping our four young volunteers off at the orphanage.  If you want to pick up on their adventures, their blogs are here:
Pastor Chad's contemporaneous blog (darned hard to do on this trip, by the way) is here.

We departed from Kilimanjaro airport late in the evening for the 45 minute flight South to the capital of Dar Es Salaam.  We finally left Dar at about 11:00 p.m. heading for Amsterdam.  It was 3:45 a.m. as we approached the Mediterranean from about a hundred miles west of Alexandria, Egypt.  The lights of the city formed a beautiful crescent from our altitude.
Bukoba-37 Bukoba-38

Dawn broke as we crossed the Alps.  Too much cloud cover for a picture on this trip

After changing planes and passing through security again at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport, we were soon out above the Atlantic.  Making this crossing in July gave a nice view of the approaching North American coastline and some clear views of the still frozen lakes.  I can't imagine someone with a window seat watching a Hollywood movie while all this is available outside - but it does happen.
Bukoba-43 Bukoba-42

I sometimes capture a picture of northern Wisconsin as we cruise across and begin our descent into Minneapolis, but this time it was all clouds.

A final couple of links.  If you aren't tired yet of all the pictures, the group has collectively posted a large number of photos at this Flickr site.  You can see a large sampling of Kristian's pictures there.

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